In October the Pōtaka Nautilus project opened as an immersive exhibition at Museo de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, for Festival After Cage 2023. This is our livestream webcast premiere which features dance artists Taane Mete and Airu Matsuda as kaitiaki supporting the full Pōtaka Nautilus creative team, including taonga pūoro soloists Alistair Fraser and Ariana Tikao.
Many thanks to all the gifted artists contributing their mahi within this project; also to, Prof Patxi Araujo, Juan José Eslava Cabanellas, Pablo Ramos, Festival After Cage, Mercedes Jover Hernando and Museo de Navarra, School of Art Whiti o Rehua College of Creative Arts Toi Rauwhārangi Massey University Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa and Creative New Zealand toi Aotearoa.